A Leap of Faith Through Truth and Grace!


Christ's Resurrection Offers Continuous Universal Salvation
This church is a nonprofit (501-C3 pending) as registered with the state of Arizona Corporation Commission in the United States of America. (1 Peter 2:13-16)
The church will follow the guidelines, ordinances and laws of the state of Arizona and recognize the institutions and municipalities of this state.
This church belongs to Christ and at no time will one individual have exclusive Authority, Leadership and/or Financial control of this church. (Colossians 1:18) (Colossians 3:17)
The Church will elect a board of directors for the sole purpose of ensuring that the administrative, legal and financial portion of the church is within the requirements of all state and federal laws and support the purpose of the church in spreading God’s word to the world. (1 Peter 2:13-16)
The minimum number of members on the board will be three (3) per State requirements that there must be a treasurer, secretary, and chairperson, with a maximum of 12. (1 Peter 2:13-16)
These members of the board will be elected for a period of no less than one (1) year and can voluntarily leave the board with a written notification within 30 days at any time.
If the church disbands at any time, the board has agreed as written in meeting minutes dated August 17. 2015, that any remaining funds after indebtedness is paid in full will be distributed equally to our missions.
Any addendums or changes to the articles of faith will be reviewed by the board of directors; once approved by the board it will require a majority vote by the members of the church body. (Hebrews 13:17)
No other denomination, religious doctrine or organization will have control and or influence on the leadership, financial, beliefs, direction or management of the church. (Ephesians 5:23-25 KJV)
Conflict of Interest – Any Statutory Agent, Executive Officer, Director, Chairman of the Board or members of the Board shall sign a Conflict of Interest Policy Form agreeing to abstain from involvement, whether by voting or otherwise participating in the decision-making process, in those situations where they have or may have a conflict of interest.
Conflicts, disputes and or disagreements between members of the church will be discussed first with the leadership (for the area of the dispute) of the church by both parties involved. The leadership shall act as the mediator. (Matthew 18:15-20)
If a resolution to this situation is not found; the leadership will then ask both parties involved to bring it to the board of directors for review and possible resolution
If this does not resolve the situation both parties may be asked to leave the church until one or both have found a solution, and/or the situation is no longer valid
Elders (Deacons) are to be elected by the church body after approval of individual by the church board. Background checks and investigation of the individual is necessary to protect the members and guests as well as the church as an entity. (Acts 14:23) (1 Timothy 3:1-13)
Anyone who volunteers or is assigned to instruct or assist with church teachings shall be subject to the same investigations and background checks.
All teaching material must be bible-based, and peer checked.
Quarterly curriculum for all teachers will be required and submitted to the board for review.
Members of the church may withdraw their membership at any time for any reason. A letter of withdrawal should be submitted to the secretary of the church so that all statistical information be kept up to date.
The selection of a pastor, minister or associate pastor/minister for the church will be brought to the board in a formal written request with all necessary information.
This will ensure that the board can complete its’ review process in a timely manner prior to a vote by the members of the church.
An applicant for pastor, minister or associate pastor/minister of the church will be required to come and present a minimum of two sermons or presentations, appropriate to the position, to the congregation prior to any vote of the church.
Guest speakers will be invited and accepted once a referral has been brought to the attention of the leadership of the church.
Tithing is between you and God and, as such, an offering plate will not be part of the services at this church. Instead a tithe collection box will be available for anyone who wishes to support this church and its’ articles of faith. (2 Corinthians 9:7)
Lease, Contract, Loan or Other Agreement - In the event the church enters into any leases, contracts, loans or other agreements with Statutory Agent, Executive Officers, Directors, Chairman of the Board, or any board members, the board will calculate the fair market value of said property or service with no less than three (3) current market comparisons [SH1] to determine the probable price at which a willing buyer will buy from a willing seller or pay for a service when both are unrelated; know the relevant facts; neither is under any compulsion to buy or sell property, or pay for or agree to provide services; all rights and benefit attributable to the item or service will be included in the transfer, lease, contract or other agreement; and all members of the board have voted and are in unanimous accord, except in situations where the voting board member may have a conflict of interest. (Refer to #6 of the bylaws)
Pastoral Services
Let us do good to everyone and especially to those who are of the household of faith; let us use our gifts to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its’ various forms. (1 Peter 4-10) (Galatians 6:10)
Weddings – We believe that wedding ceremonies are spiritual acts of worship of the God who created this divine institution and that a union is to be between a man and a woman (male and female) according to the Word. The church affirms that all marriage ceremonies performed in the name of this church and any related celebrations allowed in or out of the facility shall be unions that meet the biblical definition of marriage. As such, weddings shall be officiated by ordained ministers according to biblical and state law. The church may decline to officiate or make its facilities or ministers available for any wedding if it is determined that one or both of the parties are not biblically and/or legally qualified to marry. (Genesis 2:18-25) (Mark 10:6-9)
Funerals – Shall be officiated on a case by case basis upon request, and as approved by the Pastor and/or the Board of Directors.
Baptism – Basic Requirements
A personal request for Baptism needs to be made by the person.
Minister or Pastor should have a meeting with the person making the request to:
Ensure a personal relationship and a sound understanding of how to accept Christ as their Savior, and
Verify a clear comprehension of what the dedication of Baptism involves.
When the person is ready for Baptism a date and time shall be set.
In this church we believe Baptism is a physical act that testifies to a spiritual event and confirms a faith and relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Outreach Services
Purpose: Outreach is an activity of providing services to any populations who might not otherwise have access to those services. A key component of outreach is that the groups providing it are not stationary, but mobile; in other words, they are meeting those in need of outreach services at the locations where those in need are. In addition to delivering services, outreach has an educational role, raising the awareness of existing services. Galatians 6:10
Monetary Outreach - Requirements and Limits for providing monetary assistance from Crocus Fellowship Church:
A verbal or written request should be presented to a board member.
The board must meet and agree by unanimous vote to provide monetary assistance.
The board has set limits for monetary assistance of $200.00. Any additional request for monetary assistance for the same incident must be accompanied by substantiated attempts to pursue other avenues of assistance.
There is not a guarantee that the church will provide monetary assistance
The church may solicit monetary assistance either by mail, email, church yard sales or personal solicitation for the purposes of providing monetary assistance to community families in need.
Factors for requesting and receiving monetary assistance are:
History and representation of the requestor;
Direness of the request;
Availability of other resources;
Established residence of requestor; and
Spiritual guidance through prayer and discernment of board.
(For example, if a person makes a request for assistance with a utility bill, the board may agree to provide assistance up to $200.00. If that same person makes an additional request for assistance with a utility bill there must be evidence that the requesting party sought assistance through other resources before the board will consider the second request.)
2. Non-Monetary Outreach Services
Considered based upon availability and resources.
On occasion Crocus Fellowship Church will partner with other Faith-Based Organizations to provide goods, such as clothing/donations; volunteer services, such as handing out food boxes for Agua Fria Food Bank, St Mary’s or similar organizations; and/or volunteer support, such as volunteers to help with community projects i.e. clean-up.
The church accepts donations of furnishings, household goods or similar donations for the purpose of helping community families that are in need.