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Raise Up Lights is currently on hold for two reasons:

1. The ongoing pandemic has sent many children and families "home" and many are not venturing out.  While is it heartbreaking, our children just aren't coming.

2. Ms. Chelsea has moved out of the area and is experiencing some minor health issues at this time.                 However, if you are new to the area with young children, or are a member or regular attendee that is ready to come back, we are ready to resurrect Raise Up Lights.                                                                                               Give us a call at 623 399-7957 and we will be prepared. 

"Raise up Lights" Children's Church - Ages 1-12 years

Crocus Fellowship Church offers Children's Church on Sundays at 10:30 am.  All children meet in the sanctuary for Worship, and then the Children go to their own class with Miss Chelsea, Director of Children's Education.  The Children meet in a safe, interactive environment, geared to engaging children on their individual level and "raising up lights" to go into the world and spread Jesus by planting seeds. 

Miss Chelsea -
Raise Up Lights Children's Church

Miss Chelsea is the Crocus Fellowship Church Director of Children's Education.  She is also the "Raise Up Lights" Children's Church teacher.  Miss Chelsea has a level one fingerprint clearance card and is dedictated to the safety and well-being of your children, as a steward of your children.  Miss Chelsea is an avid photographer who specializes in nature, and children's photography. 


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